15 Quotes & Sayings By Nina Easton

Nina Easton is a professional editor with over 30 years' experience in the book publishing industry. She is also the author of two anthologies, The Best of Western Romance and The Best of Western Love Stories, as well as five other books, including her latest compilation, The Best of Nina Easton. Her short stories have appeared in several anthologies, including "Long-Lost Loves" and "The Book of Angels." She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The guardians of your company's cyber security should be encouraged to network within the industry to swap information on the latest hacker tricks and most effective defenses Nina Easton
One of my most vivid memories from 1974 was the gas station at the foot of the hill below my Southern California high school - car lines snaking out into the street, heralding the failure of the government's price controls and lame ideas such as odd-even rationing. Nina Easton
The mission of Patrick Henry College was to attract and cultivate academic stars from the ranks of home-schooled evangelicals, then send them off on graduation day to 'shape the culture and take back the nation, ' in the words of a common home-schooling rallying cry. Nina Easton
We like to think that a free market's greatest strength is its self-corrective nature. Nina Easton
In 1992, Bill Clinton ran on a platform of 'ending welfare as we know it.' His political worldview, drawn from like-minded thinkers at the Democratic Leadership Council, was based in private sector growth and personal responsibility. Nina Easton
Message to all you crazed parents desperately hiring tutors and padding your kid's thin resume: Chillax. Attending an elite college is no guarantee of leadership, life success, or earnings potential. Nina Easton
Jobless workers, especially those out of work for months and years, don't have the skills to multitask in a fast-paced economy where medical workers need to know electronic record-keeping, machinists need computer skills, and marketing managers can no longer delegate software duties. Nina Easton
Great leaders don't rush to blame. They instinctively look for solutions. Nina Easton
To avoid becoming chronically unemployed, people need more than platitudes offering sympathy. Career reinvention requires encouragement and guidance. Nina Easton
It's really important, whether you're a conservative or a liberal, to always challenge the conventional wisdom, which is what I've tried to do in all my work. Nina Easton
It's become glib political conventional wisdom in Washington that a massive spending plan will provide a parachute rescue for a cliff-diving economy - landing it safely and with strong enough legs to move toward a healthy future. Nina Easton
Public anger over bank bailouts was as much about fairness as the billions of dollars spent. Nina Easton
In May 2007, congressional Democrats and the Bush administration agreed to a plan to include environmental and international labor standards in upcoming trade agreements. Nina Easton
When I visited the Water Institute's Baton Rouge offices overlooking the Mississippi River, I couldn't find a drop of the charged politics that drives so many environmental conversations in Washington. Nina Easton